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Carson Area Chapter - 388

The Vietnam Veterans of America is a national Vietnam Veterans organization chartered by the U.S. Congress and approved by President Reagan on May 23, 1986. The VVA was founded as a non-profit organization to: promote the well being of American Vietnam Veterans; foster the improvement of the condition of Vietnam-era veterans; promote the social welfare (including educational, economic, social, physical, and cultural improvement) in the United States by encouraging the growth and development, readjustment, self-respect, self- confidence and usefulness of Vietnam-era veterans and other veterans; improve conditions for Vietnam-era veterans and develop channels of communication to assist Vietnam-era veterans; conduct and publish research, on a nonpartisan basis, pertaining to the relationship between Vietnam-era veterans and the American society, to the Vietnam war experience, to the role of the United States in securing peaceful coexistence for the world community, and to other matters which affect the educational, economic, social, physical, or cultural welfare of Vietnam-era veterans and other veterans and the families of such veterans; assist disabled Vietnam-era veterans and other veterans in need of assistance and the dependents and survivors of such veterans; and consecrate the efforts of the members of the corporation and Vietnam-era veterans generally to mutual helpfulness and service to their country.

The Carson Area Chapter -388 of the Vietnam Veterans of America was founded on Veterans Day, 1988. Our Chapter is based in Carson City, Nevada however, our members come from all over Northern Nevada and California. While the Chapter is made up of and focuses on Vietnam Veterans, it is dedicated to the well being of all American veterans throughout Northern Nevada by way of it's involvement in numerous in-house and area wide veteran programs.

Elected officers


Tom Spencer

Vice President
Grizrog Rogers

Lee Jackson

Steve Louks

Appointed Officers


not assign

Sgt. - At - Arms
not assign